phakic IOLs & Toric Phakic IOLs

What are phakic IOLS?

Phakic intraocular lenses (IOLs) are considered a type of refractive surgery, aiming to help patients to become glass independent.
At Finland eye center we offer Visian  ICL/Toric ICL as well as Artiflex /Toric Artiflex phakic IOLs.
Phakic IOLs can be placed either in front of or behind the iris, in front of your natural lens.
Unlike in cataract surgery, your natural lens is not removed.


How do phakic IOLs Work?

In simple terms, a phakic IOL is like a contact lens that is surgically  inserted inside your eye rather than placed on the surface.
This offers a long -term solution to live a glass independent life. They function as a glass or contact lens, focusing light onto your retina to provide sharp vision. Phakic IOLs may result in even better visual acuity and contrast -sensitivity than with excimer laser procedures.

Are you candidate for phakic IOLs?

Before any decision, your eyes will be examined thoroughly and special measurements and investigations will be done to assess the anatomical features of your eye.
 Each phakic IOL is custom ordered for each patient (and each eye), which is why it may take a few weeks to receive your phakic IOL.
Candidates who may have been told they are not eligible for laser vision correction, may be good candidates for phakic IOLs such as patients with high myopia or hyperopia, high astigmatism, thin or suspicious corneas and severe dryness for example.

How is the procedure done?

Phakic IOL procedures are done in an operation theater (not in the laser suite). Usually , the procedure is done under general anesthesia although local or topical anesthesia is possible .The type of anesthesia will be determined through discussion and examination between you, your ophthalmic surgeon and anesthesiologist.
A small incision is made in the periphery of your cornea, through which the foldable phakic IOL is inserted either in front of or behind your iris . The procedure itself takes only a few minutes but operation theater protocols (preparation ,anesthesia and recovery from anesthesia ) will take some time. In addition , with Artiflex/Toric Artiflex IOLs , a small hole is made on the iris before, during or after the surgery (iridotomy or iridectomy) to reduce the risk of developing high intraocular pressure (IOP).

What happens after the surgery?

Once you have recovered from your anesthesia , you can go home but you need to have someone drive you.The eye will be covered with a protective shield. You will have an appointment the next morning and given antibiotic and steroid and steroid eye drops to use for a few weeks.Lubricating eye drops may be given as needed .You will see the difference in your vision at the first follow -up. Routine follow -ups will usually be after 1 day, 1 week and 1 month post -operatively .After that , regular follow -up is recommended as advised by your surgeon.Forcible eye rubbing should be avoided .

What are the risks , complications and side -effects ?

Phakic IOL implantation has a high safety and success rate but as with any procedure risks, complications and side-effects are possible , which should be considered before making a decision . Some temporary redness, foreign body sensation and visual disturbance may be noticed for a while .Temporary IOP elevation is also possible , although rarely chronic glaucoma may develop, which needs to be managed promptly .
Cataract development and corneal endothelium damage are very rare complications. Any residual refraction correction can be done by touch -up laser. Infection risk post-operatively is minimal.